Synchronization of all agents between each other is used in order to have each agent send the correct message over UWB at the correct time. The Distance Measurement and Angle Measurement sections should be read before continuing in order to understand all the messages and their sequencing required to calculate distances and angles.
Time-Slotting Overview
As introduced in Distance Measurement, each agent must, in turns, become the initiator in a two-way ranging (TWR) sequence for all other agents to update their knowledge of the initiator's position. In order to accumulate enough messages to calculate an angle as described in Angle Measurement, an Angle section is added to each frame in which the initiator sends messages at a constant rate until enough messages are sent for the responders to be able to calculate an angle.
The following figure is not to scale in regards to timings. See Timings for more information.
Once all agents have become an intiator, a dead time (SYNC) is used to elect the new SuperFrame Leader (the agent who will be the initiator in the first timeslot) timeslots are then alloted based on agent IDs (modulo the max number of agents in the swarm).
Given a swarm of 5 agents with a SuperFrame Leader 3, slots (TWR Frames) would be alloted the following way:
- TWR Frame 1: Agent 3
- TWR Frame 2: Agent 4
- TWR Frame 3: Agent 5
- TWR Frame 4: Agent 1
- TWR Frame 5: Agent 2
Timeslots are alloted based on the maximum number of agents in the swarm and the indivual agents IDs (configurable through the HiveMind build system, see README). If there are less agents present than the maximum allowed value, some slots will remain empty. The same way, if an agent has an ID exceeding the maximum number of agents, it will not be able to interact properly with the other agents in the timeslots and will probably even break the slots for everyone.
TLDR: Make sure the max number of agents in the swarm is greater or equal to the agent with the highest ID.
The following section contains most definitions used within the code and documention relating to the timeslotting mechanism and the state machine implementing it.
SuperFrame: Highest level of the timeslots, allows every agent to have its own TWR Frame
TWR Frame: Slot in which an agent is the initiator in a TWR sequence
SuperFrame Leader: ID of the agent selected to use TWR Frame 1 during the SYNC state
Frame Leader: ID of the agent that is the initiator (sends the poll, final and angle messages) in the current TWR Frame
State Machine Implementation
The previous time-slotting mechanism is implemented in the microcontroller using a finite state machine (FSM). The FSM takes care of setting the DW1000 in the correct operating mode (RX, TX, etc.) at the appropriate time.
In normal operating mode, the black arrows show the possible state transitions. Some alternate modes (shown here with colors) can be enabled with the Calibration Python Tool to extract only some information in a timely manner. Every state is responsible for sending or receiving a specific UWB message. All operations are done at a specific time using the timings as coded in the InterlocTimeManager
To facilitate debugging of the state transitions, an m_stateTracer
circular queue was added in the InterlocStateHandler
as a way to record state transitions and view the events leading up to the current state. From a debugger, simply watch InterlocBSPContainer::getStateHandler()
to access the queue.
The Idle state is the entry point of the FSM.
On first entry, or when a SuperFrame has finished (when the next Frame Leader would be the SuperFrame Leader), the FSM goes to the Sync state.
Otherwise, the FSM will go to Send Poll if it is the next Frame Leader or Wait Poll if it is not. This starts the TWR exchange.
The Sync state is used to elect a new SuperFrame Leader and at the same time, allow new agents (or any agents that are desynchronized) to resynchronize back with the others.
In this state, all agents start listening for a message with a random timeout (longer than the time of a TWR Frame). When a timeout is reached without having received a message, a Poll message is immediatly sent (Send Poll). That message is received by all other agents that still haven't timed out therefore making the first to timeout the SuperFrame Leader.
Because this state is reached at the end of each SuperFrame and the timeout is random, the SuperFrame Leader is also chosen at random and changes for every SuperFrame.
Send Poll
The Send Poll state does exactly what it name says. It sends a Poll message (the first in a TWR exchange). The message contains the ID of the SuperFrame Leader so any newcommer to the swarm can know exactly where in the timeslots the swarm is curently located. Once sent, the FSM moves on to the Wait Response state.
Wait Response
The Wait Response state is used to receive all Response messages from the TWR exchange. In this state, the DW1000 is placed in RX mode (at the appropriate time) for the exact duration of a Response message. The message will then be received or the DW1000 will timeout. In any case, the FSM loops back to this state for the same number of iterations as the maximum number of agents in the swarm. Once all messages have been received (or timed out), the FSM goes to the Send Final state.
Send Final
In the Send Final state, the Final message of the TWR exchange is sent. The message contains the poll_tx_ts, final_tx_ts as well as the response_rx_rs for every response that was received in the Wait Response state. Once sent, the FSM goes to the Send Angle state.
Send Angle
The Send Angle state is responsible for sending multiple messages at a given interval. Each message will be received by the other agents that are in the Receive Angle state and used to calculate an angle. All messages contain a unique ID used to distiguish one message from the other on the receiver side. This state leads back to the Idle state as it is the last in the Frame Leader path of the FSM.
This state can also be entered permenantly to calibrate a HiveBoard.
Wait Poll
In Wait Poll the DW1000 is enabled in RX mode to listen for a Poll message. If one is received, the FSM goes to the Send Response state. Otherwise, it goes back to Idle as no distance could be calculated without first receiving a Poll message.
Send Response
Send Response is responsible for sending the Response message of the TWR exchange. The message is sent at an exact time offset from the reception of the Poll message based on the agent's ID. This way, each agent responds in its timeslot without interfering with the responses from the other agents. From there, the FSM moves on to the Wait Final state.
Wait Final
The Wait Final state listens for a Final message containing all the information needed to calculate a distance. Whether it is received or not, the FSM goes to the Receive Angle state.
Receive Angle
In this state, each of the three DW1000s are placed in RX mode with a timeout equal to a little less than the remaining time before the next Poll message is to be sent.
Every time a message is received on the three DW1000s, the ID of the messages are compared to be sure the same message was received on each antenna. Phase and time information for the messages are extracted for angle calculation.
After each message, the receivers are reactivated with a timeout. This allows them to receive the maximum number of messages without staying stuck in this state forever; the FSM exits the state with enough time left to calculate a distance and angle (Update Distance + Angle) and go back to Idle before the start of the next TWR Frame.
Update Distance + Angle
This state is responsible for taking all the information collected through the TWR exchange and Receive Angle state and produce a new value of distance and angle for the agent that was Frame Leader.
In the case some information is missing (e.g. we have not received the Final message, or if less than three BeeBoards are plugged, we don't have the angle information), only the measurements for which we have all the information are calulated. The produced values are fed back up to the higher layers of the HiveMind (see Introduction for more information) to be used in Buzz.
From here, the FSM goes back to Idle and the cycle starts again.
As the system is time slotted, a time manager (src/bsp/src/stm32/src/interloc/include/interloc/InterlocTimeManager.h
) has been established to ensure a coherence between all actions, synchronisation and state transition. This time manager computes all the timings for the start and stop times of all UWB operations. There are two tools to better visualise and understand the different timing restrictions and the definitions of all timing elements.
An Excel file that emulates the calculations made on the HiveMind, allows the user to see the effects of all timing factors on the refresh rate of the relative position and angle from all agents in the swarm. Refer to this document if factors like the SPI speed, the number of frame angles per TWR frame or the number of robots changes. As the total time of a TWR Frame will be affected, the state machine speed will also change.
From a visual aspect, the following figure presents all the major timing definitions used in the time slotting system (click to enlarge).
Please refer to the source code for a complete comprehension of these and to see how they are used. The guards have be established from development experiments and from timing many operations on the actual MCU used. Other variables, such as the read and write SPI and the preamble air time are based on firmware configurations. The MCU and DW1000 configuration's can change these, make sure you know what you are doing before modifying any parameters. If for exemple the number of computations is changed in one of the states, it might be necessary to time the whole state's processing to ensure that the guards around these operations are still sufficient. Refer to this figure if new messages or states are added.
All timings definitions are made as a delay after the Start of Frame (SoF). This SoF is reset every time a Poll message is received, ensuring a complete synchronisation of the FSM even in the case of clock drift or robot crash/reboot/deconnection.