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Using Interlocalisation Between Swarm Agents

One of the key features of the SwarmUS platform is the ability for a given Hiveboard to determine the position of other Hiveboards with respect to its own position. This page shows how to use this interlocalisation feature. SwarmUS' interlocalisation feature provides the necessary data to the neighbor feature of the Buzz language. This means that the HiveMind firmware merely updates the position of the other agents and makes it available to Buzz.


The interlocalisation module is a rather complex feature of the SwarmUS platform. For extensive documentation about the design and implementation of the feature, refer to the How it Works section.


Before you start using the interlocalisation feature, refer to the instructions on how to calibrate the BeeBoards with a HiveBoard. Since the interlocalisation feature relies on very sensitive hardware, it is crucial that the HiveBoard/BeeBoard assembly be adequately calibrated, otherwise the readings will be rubbish.

Using the Visualisation Tool

When the interlocalisation is adequately calibrated, you can test that the HiveBoard/Beeboard assemblies can acquire their respective positions using the graphical visualisation tool. Refer to the README file for instructions on how to use the tool.

Accessing Neighbors' Position in a Buzz Script

As said earlier, Buzz has a neighbor management feature, which allows to access the position of the other agents, among other things.


Since neighbor management is a feature of Buzz, it will not be extensively documented here. Refer to the official documentation and the language reference.

The SwarmUS platform feeds the interlocalisation data to Buzz, which itself makes it available to the user via the neighbors structure. The following snippet shows how the neighbors structure might be used. This Buzz script performs a follow the leader example in which the agents will move towards the agent #1.

include "utils/executor.bzz"
include "vec2.bzz"

function tick(context){
    var leader = 1;

    if(leader != id and leader != nil){
        log("Trying to get leader: ", leader)
        var neighbor = neighbors.get(leader);

            # Set a new goal based on the interlocalisation data found in 
            # the neighbor object
            var goal = math.vec2.newp(neighbor.distance - 0.5, neighbor.azimuth);
            log("Moving to leader: ", leader, " at x:", goal.x, " y:", goal.y);

            # Move the robot toward the goal.
            call_host_function(id, "moveBy", {.0 = goal.x, .1 = goal.y});
            log("Neighbor not found!");

function create_exec(step_count) {
  counter = 0;

  exec =, tick, nil);
  return exec;

This script uses Buzz' math.vec2 library (documentation here). This library helps to handle 2D vectors. Neighbor management is performed with the neighbors structure. Each member of this structure has the attributes distance and azimuth. This is how the interlocalisation data is accessed.

Verification of the neighbor is done using the istable function, documented here.


The Buzz documentation has some other examples (here and here) of scripts that make use of the neighbors structure. The HiveMind repository also has a number of examples.

Testing in Simulation Using Gazebo

The SwarmUS project relied heavily on the Gazebo simulator for the development. This repository contains the swarmus_ros_simulation package, which has some ready-made launchfiles that integrate all the software stack of the SwarmUS platform. Launching simple_swarm.launch will start 4 robots, each running a HiveMind instance.

To change the Buzz script that will be used by all the robots in the simulation, edit the HiveMind codebase found under contrib/ folder. For instance, if you want to run a follow the leader simulation, add the code shown in the previous section to contrib/src/bittybuzz/buzz-scripts....

Accessing Neighbors Outside of Buzz

The interlocalisation data can also be accessed outside of Buzz. The HiveMind API exposes neighbor requests (GetNeighborsListRequest, GetNeighborRequest) that can be called by any host.

The calls to the HiveMind API for updating neighbors have been convieniently wrapped in the HiveMindBridge library.


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